Hi, I am Amitttt Sarkar.

A student of Chandigarh University.

I like to tinker with stuff. That’s all I guess. Currently I am a 2nd year B.E. CSE student at Chandigarh University.
I am very passionate about Web and Android development. Currently I am focused on learning Flutter and Dart. I am trying my luck with competitive programming too. Coding and learning more about computers never gets boring. I love open-source. Especially Linux. I spend a lot of my time learning more about Linux and trying new distributions. Btw,I use Arch.


Project 1

My Projects Will Be Uploaded Here
Ipsum accusamus ea excepturi aliquid eligendi amet. Explicabo sapiente debitis labore sed ipsam Mollitia repellat illum quod unde beatae Quis

  • SASS
  • TypeScript
  • React

Project 2

My Projects Will Be Uploaded Here
Ipsum accusamus ea excepturi aliquid eligendi amet. Explicabo sapiente debitis labore sed ipsam Mollitia repellat illum quod unde beatae Quis

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Project 3

My Projects Will Be Uploaded Here
Ipsum accusamus ea excepturi aliquid eligendi amet. Explicabo sapiente debitis labore sed ipsam Mollitia repellat illum quod unde beatae Quis

  • Flutter
  • Dart
  • Figma



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